This is part two from my Presents from Parents haul for my birthday. it has taken me a while to get around to this because i wanted to space my hauls out. But i just figure that i am going to go shopping again and they will just build up.

I would really like to know if you guys even want me to continue doing hauls? I am considering stopping because some people find them to be a form of bragery and i assure you they are not my intentions. I only do hauls so that you guys know what i have and can request reviews on them. If i buy something, marketed to be fantastic, but in reality it's not. I think you guys deserve to know and don't have to go out there and waste your money.
So i would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on hauls and if i should continue them!
Thanks for the haul and i think that you should continue them because you always buy so much stuff it gives me ideas on what products are out there at that moment and if i find something i like i just ask you for a review and if i like the sounds of it i try it and if i ddon then i know i havnt wasted any money. i must say that you are one of my favourite bloggers and hauls are what makes you so great.
KEEP DOING HAULS :D be proud that you work so hard and earn everything that you buy!!! x
Don't stop doing hauls, you earned it. I love that purple dress! I'm going to do a review on the napoleon glosses in the next week too :)
yay i luv to see ur hauls!!!
xoxo elle
@Mac Princess
Awww thank you. Me being one of your favourite bloggers means a lot.
Hmmmm i think your right. But how come other people can't see it that way?
Thank you. The purple dress is one of the favourite things i got :)I can not wait for the NP review ;)
Well thats good i think i am going to still do them but just in moderation. Like an occasional haul.
I have already told you this before. Your hauls are amazing and i think that you should continue them.
Wow beautiful clothes and makeup too :)
No way, don't stop! It's not bragery- I love seeing other peoples treasures- it's so much fun!!!
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