Hey guys, Christmas is tomorrow!! Like how crazy is that, it's christmas eve!!
So i have decided to do the Holiday Traditions tag. I can't say i got tagged exactly. People just requested that i do it. Also, i thought it would be appropriate considering it is Christmas eve and all. I think it may be a little boring because i can not see why anyone cares what i do for christmas but it was requested and... yep, lets get started...
1. Favorite holiday destination?
I really like The Bahamas, Fiji and Hawaii. Although, we usually go there a few weeks before Christmas rather than on Christmas just so we can be around our family and such. We actually didn't go away this year though, which was kind of sad. But my mum just had a baby and it was a bit inconvenient. So we just went up the coast and stayed in a resort for a few nights. The next best thing right.
So i am going to have to say my favourite holiday destination is The Bahamas because it is so beautiful there. I got stung by a jelly fish first time in Hawaii, which was not fun and i have only been to Fiji once so i have not formed a thorough opinion on it yet.
I really like The Bahamas, Fiji and Hawaii. Although, we usually go there a few weeks before Christmas rather than on Christmas just so we can be around our family and such. We actually didn't go away this year though, which was kind of sad. But my mum just had a baby and it was a bit inconvenient. So we just went up the coast and stayed in a resort for a few nights. The next best thing right.
So i am going to have to say my favourite holiday destination is The Bahamas because it is so beautiful there. I got stung by a jelly fish first time in Hawaii, which was not fun and i have only been to Fiji once so i have not formed a thorough opinion on it yet.

The Bahamas
2. Any family traditions?
We usually go away to an island just before christmas. Then on Christmas eve we have a feast and leave the milk and cookies out for Santa. We then get up in the morning and open presents. Then have a big family breakfast. Then ALL my family come over my house (well, my parents house) for lunch. Then we go up or down the coast for New Years.
This pure gold kitten with my name engraved. It's really cute and is defintley my favourite.
4. What are you doing for the holidays?
I went up the coast for a few nights and stayed in a resort. Tonight we are having our feast. Tomorrow my family is coming over for lunch. Then for New Years i am going down the coast.
5.Are you a late or early christmas shopper?
I never really stop shopping no matter what time of year it is so i think that i am early. If i see something cute that reminds me of someone i buy it with them in mind and save it for them for Christmas or a birthday.

6. Who usually cooks holiday dinners?
My mum cooks the Christmas eve feast and the Christmas morning breakfast. Everyone brings something to the lunch.

7. Have you ever gone christmas caroling?
I actually have not.
8. Do you live where it snows?
No, i live where it is stinking hot at all times. AUSTRALIA.
9. One thing that makes you happiest at christmas?
Being around family and all the great food.
10. What do you want most for christmas?
I would really love a Cab 55 purse but i know that the chances of me getting one are 0 to 100 because to buy one you need to drive 6 hours and they are thousands of $$.

So i think i might be realistic and say the DKNY Green Apple Purfume.

I hope that you have a great time with your family, that Santa is good to you and you enjoy your time off.
You're in Australia so I guess that means it's always hot and sunny every year during Christmas time.
It's completely opposite here since it's winter and all. That would feel really strange to me, spending christmas while it's summer time. I'm sure the same applies to you except in reverse!
Anyways hope you're enjoying your Christmas hon. xox
Your really lucky to go to such nice places. I think it is great how you and your family get together every christmas. I reckon your right for not expecting that bag because my mum or dad would laugh their heads off if i asked for it. Even dkny is stretching if far cause arent they lyk $135 or something dollz.
hawaii looks da best
those bags look expensive
that chicken looks good
that purfume looks nice smelling
Your christmases sound so loverly. are you doing a christmas haul?
i want to like to c if u got the cab55 bag or the purfume. if you want me to do a christmas haul then just ask. i got some pretty coool stuff including a clarisonic.
Hey! Merry Christmas! Hope you are having a great time with your family and friends! best regards xoxo
christmas sounds pretty cool in your fam
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