I was given this award by Katy at Rottenotter's Thought's which is really sweet. Everyone should go and check her out because she is an amazing blogger. I have been tagged with this a few times but didn't really understand what it was but i do now so here it is!

The 10 people i tag are...
1. Jeanie
2. Stephanie
3. Emily
4. Dao
5. Angela
6. Monica
7. Lorein
8. Janine
9. Laura
10. Terri
There are so many more blogs that i love but i could only pick 10 :)
Thanks hun! That's very sweet. I also read your blog regularly, so keep up the awesomeness! :)
- Monica
Thanks love!
Congrats Jordy! I was recently awarded these too. They can be fun and they're great!
I understand that you could not tag everyone :)
thank you sooooo much!
i tagged you back :)
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