I thought that i would just share a few items/products that i have been really enjoying recently. Oh and i have some SUPER EXCITING news to share with you in the update.

My Chanel ring has been making me exceptionally happy. It's just so shiny and i get so many compliments when i wear it.

I have created a YouTube account and tomorrow i will be filming my very first video.
But i am really scared. Not scared as such but kind of pessemistic towards noone watching me. I really want to share my knowledge on beauty. Help people by giving them tutorials on hair and makeup. Telling them about new products and reviewing them. However, i am not sure if it will be helping anyone if noone watches. Anyway, that just me being insecure. It will be a really fun channel, i will try to keep it interesting and listen to my public. Please come and watch, links will be everywhere tomorrow so you will definatley know when i have posted my first videos. I will be super duper appreciative of your support.
But i am really scared. Not scared as such but kind of pessemistic towards noone watching me. I really want to share my knowledge on beauty. Help people by giving them tutorials on hair and makeup. Telling them about new products and reviewing them. However, i am not sure if it will be helping anyone if noone watches. Anyway, that just me being insecure. It will be a really fun channel, i will try to keep it interesting and listen to my public. Please come and watch, links will be everywhere tomorrow so you will definatley know when i have posted my first videos. I will be super duper appreciative of your support.
There is nothing up yet, but just so your prepared. I am so excited to show (broadcast-haha)more of myself to you guys. I am going to be doing my "What's In Your Purse" video and my "Christmas Haul".

i am going to put a link on my blog, just because i dont really put much else anyway.
im so happy for you. i will be sure to check it out and support you because i have been a follower of yours for a while.
happy new year! xoxo elle
All the products are lovely. The swimmers are so pretty! and youve got a youtube, thats great :)
omfg love the chanel ring!!! and the purse is lovely, but i think ive already commented on that!!!
excited for your youtube channel :) id so like to make one, but my webcam doesnt have a mic?? dunno its weird lol tell me when your vid is up!
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