
Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I thought that i would just share a few items/products that i have been really enjoying recently. Oh and i have some SUPER EXCITING news to share with you in the update.

My Chanel ring has been making me exceptionally happy. It's just so shiny and i get so many compliments when i wear it.

My bikini. Not only is it gorgeous but very good quality. I went in the spa today and it didnt do any annoying un-tying things or affect the material. It was very soft and comfortable.

MAC Mischeif Makers "5 Cool Capers" set. From the holiday collection, mini pigment samples. I have mainly been using the second (Kitschmas), third (Glitter-Transparent Teal) and fifth (Grape) pigments.

My Cab 55 purse. I am just too excited about this!! Possibly the easiest purse i have ever had. Also the prettiest and the most fashionable.

These heels are so nice. Really high but easy to walk in and somehow comfortable.

This Swarovski bracelet has been matching everything i wear and is so sparkly.

YSL "Baby Doll". I used to love this and went through a whole bottle. I kind of went off it but now i am starting to like it again. Such a classy and in-your-face scent.

Lush "Rosebud Big Bath". When i took a break from hauling i went to lush and picked up a few things. Out of them all i am loving a very simple bath bomb. A very tangy, bi-carb smell.

I have created a YouTube account and tomorrow i will be filming my very first video.
But i am really scared. Not scared as such but kind of pessemistic towards noone watching me. I really want to share my knowledge on beauty. Help people by giving them tutorials on hair and makeup. Telling them about new products and reviewing them. However, i am not sure if it will be helping anyone if noone watches. Anyway, that just me being insecure. It will be a really fun channel, i will try to keep it interesting and listen to my public. Please come and watch, links will be everywhere tomorrow so you will definatley know when i have posted my first videos. I will be super duper appreciative of your support.
For my YouTube link, click HERE.
There is nothing up yet, but just so your prepared. I am so excited to show (broadcast-haha)more of myself to you guys. I am going to be doing my "What's In Your Purse" video and my "Christmas Haul".



    i am going to put a link on my blog, just because i dont really put much else anyway.
    im so happy for you. i will be sure to check it out and support you because i have been a follower of yours for a while.

  2. All the products are lovely. The swimmers are so pretty! and youve got a youtube, thats great :)

  3. omfg love the chanel ring!!! and the purse is lovely, but i think ive already commented on that!!!

    excited for your youtube channel :) id so like to make one, but my webcam doesnt have a mic?? dunno its weird lol tell me when your vid is up!


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