MASCARA: I mention mascara first because this is the most important piece of makeup that you need to keep your tabs on. Most mascaras in a tube with a wand have some sort of antibacterial agent in them which will protect your for about 6 weeks meaning that you could possibly keep your mascara for up to 4 months. Your probably thinking how that is possible when you are only protected for 6 weeks, well that is because it takes a while for bacteria to start growing on your mascara, about 4 months in fact. If you do not throw your mascara out after 4 months then you are opening yourself up to eye infections. If you notice a change in consistancy or smell, even before the 4 months, then throw it out immendiently because it is not worth it.
BLUSH: 6 months
EYELINERS: 3 years, as long and you sharpen them regularly.
EYELINERS: 3 years, as long and you sharpen them regularly.
EYESHADOW: 3 years, as long as you use a brush and keep your fingers out of it.
LIP LINER: 3 years, as long as sharpened regularly.
LIPSTICK: 4 years or when it becomes sticky and melts no matter what temperature it is in. To help keep your lipsticks for longer, keep them in the fridge. However, i am sure that you are able to finish a lipstick within 4 years and it would be a bother having to keep them in the fridge.
NAIL POLISH: Nail polish should last for 2 years but the cheap brands usually only last for 1 year. If you see that the colour and oils are seperating, it smells different or has become sticky then it is time to let it go.
NAIL POLISH: Nail polish should last for 2 years but the cheap brands usually only last for 1 year. If you see that the colour and oils are seperating, it smells different or has become sticky then it is time to let it go.

i label my stuff to make it easier for me to keep track of it.
i always have those little sticky tapes & put it on my stuff as soon as i open them.
Great post! I usually get through my mascaras before 3months, but if I have them longer than that and they're not finished, I chuck them out! I got a bad stye once :( and ever since I make sure nothing grotty touches my eyes!
Now this is a great post,
this was helpful :) thanks for the post! xx
Thanks for the post(:
That sounds liek a such a great way to organise your stuff. Well it seems like your on top of everything. It sounds like a really good storing tip.
Thanks, yer that is always the smartest thing to do but if sucks when it is like a super expensive mascara and you havn't gotten around to finishing it. Well it's good that you learnt your lesson. I haven't really had anything happen like that for it to be stuck in my head :)
thank you so much, i am glad you like it.
I am glad, thank you.
No worries :)
god jordy your so smart.
Hey Jordy, I love your posts, they are always interesting (=
However, I don't really understand how bacterias could grow into a blush. I know it does, but it just seems weird to me. I wouldn't throw my blush until it'a finished.
But... waiting 3 years before throwing away an eyeliner? Why would you wait only 4 months for a mascara and 3 years for an eyeliner? As I use mine on my waterline, I would absolutely not wait 3 years! Anyway, as I use it almost everyday, it wouldn't last 3 years xD
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