
Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Hey everyone,

So i am #12 - Most Subscribed (This Week) - Australia. I was #14 this morning but i came up to #12 later today. I just wanted to say thank you guys so much. I started less than a week ago and now this has already happened. That is just so amazing to me considering how many australian youtubers there are out there. So a massive thank you and i could not have done it without some very special followers of my blog deciding to follow my YouTube as well.

I would really love to acknowledge them by giving them shoutouts.
JENNY- YouTube Blogspot
GUNAAA- YouTube Blogspot
HAYLEY- YouTube Blogspot
LATOYA- YouTube Blogspot
MIKAELA- YouTube Blogspot
A TAD BIT DORKISH- YouTube Blogspot
SWTEST2LIPS- YouTube Blogspot

So i think that's all. If i forgot to mention you, tell me in a comment below.
Thank you so much to those girls, it means a lot to me. Go check them out because they are amazing.


  1. Congratulations, and thankyou! I'm a bit speechless actually :) Hope you had a great chrissy and new year.

  2. @Hayley
    Thank you and no worries. I'm really grateful you subscribed. I had an amazing christmas and new year. I hope you did too.

  3. thanks for the shoutout!
    your youtube is great, and i will continue to support you :)


Thanks for reading my blog! Feel free to tell me what you think in a comment below, I would love to hear from you :) Jordy x