
Sunday, March 27, 2011


I'm sure everyone has heard the hype about these recent hair serums that have been released and are often labelled as "argan" or "moroccan" oils. Basically they are an oil derived from kernels of argan tree fruit that grow almost only in Morocco. The purpose of this post is to weigh up the negatives and positives associated with purchasing this new hair product to see if it is worth adding to your daily routine or you can live without it.

- A rich emollient which is good for hair and skin.
- Generally smells nice.
- Gives a shinier appearance to hair.
- Rich in Vitamin E to moisturise hair.
- A potent serum that is so concentrated you barely need to use any so lasts a long time.
 - Cuts down heat styling time.
(straightens smootherand blow dries quicker)

- It is pretty expensive. For a standard bottle as seen in the picture the cost can range from AUD $35-$60.
- Can affect acne prone skin like any oil if too close to face.

Although this product is not necessary i have found a dramatic difference in the quality of my hair by using this product. It doesnt have to be specifically this brand because all Argan oils are very similar but i do believe that a product similar would be of benefit if added to your daily hair routine.

To purchase an Argan oil you can visit the folllowing websites:

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