
Saturday, May 7, 2011


About a week ago i asked you guys to send me some questions through email and i would answer them once i got enough :) Oh and i am only answering the appropriate ones, some were a bit too personal.
When is your birthday?
27th November .

Can you drive yet?
Not legally yet but as soon as i can i will go for my learners.

What is your favourite tv show?
One Tree Hill is amazing.

Do you get lots of homework?
This year so far i have been getting more than i like to but i dont ever do my homework, only assignments because they actually matter.

Do you have a favourite singer?
Well i have a favourite band, Maroon 5 :) I am actually seeing them in concert tonight and i am soo excited because they are amazing and i dont know why i like them so much, just all their songs are awesome.

Best day of your life?
Recently i have been having some very good days but i would have to say summer holidays a couple of months ago were the best days of my life.

How long have you and your boyfriend been together?
Just over 1 year.

What is your favourite subject?
Study of Society because i am able to apply what i learn to everyday situations. It seems the most essential subject where you actually use the information that you learn.

Do you still use formspring?
Not really, i prefer doing these sort of posts instead.

Megan Parken is your cousin?
Hahaha umm nooo she is not, we basically life on different sides of the world so its kind of

How old do you think you will be when you stop making videos?
I'm unsure, probably when you guys get sick of me.

Thanks for the questions :)

1 comment:

Thanks for reading my blog! Feel free to tell me what you think in a comment below, I would love to hear from you :) Jordy x