
Monday, April 28, 2014


The Logies isn't something I'm usually particularly interested in as I don't watch many Aussie dramas or TV shows but after seeing a few photos flying around from last night I immediately jumped online to see more. The fashion is what captured me as I saw such a vast assortment of gowns (for the good and the bad) so I thought what better idea then to make a "bests and worsts" from the night. I have chosen my top and bottom three gowns from this years Logie Awards...keep reading to see who made the cut and who could have chosen better dresses.


Holy Hawkins! As if Jen couldn't get any hotter she comes to the Logies wearing this absolutely stunning all white two-piece, that's #1 best dressed isn't even wearing a dress. The long and high waisted skirt gave the outfit the formal flair it needed while the cute off the shoulder crop added a casual aspect to it. I think that the two tone material of smooth and crochet was just the right amount of casual on the red carpet not to mention the perfectly placed ties. This one is definitely a winner in my eyes, such a beautiful choice of outfit for the Logies.

Bed Judd stepped out in this incredible number and there are so many aspects to this dress that I don't even know where to begin but let's start off by mentioning how detailed and thought out it is! The delicate details around the negligée and all the way down to the waist is simply beautiful. The skirt portion of the dress is the perfect proportion of each colour and fabric while transitioning to transparent at just the right length. All paired with a beautiful pastel lavender belt and elegant clutch.
As someone not interested in dating shows I was shocked to find the soft spot in my heart for this beautiful couple and it's safe to say that they won hottest couple of the night. I was expecting something a bit more edgy from Anna but once I saw what she wore my jaw dropped because her lace beaded cream gown fit like a glove. It almost looked like something she would wear on her wedding day but I still think it was completely appropriate and I love the perfect drop of neckline she showed combined with the floor length of the dress completed with a small trail. Tim doesn't clean up too badly either with his classic black and white suit that was perfectly fitted.

Kick-starting the worst dressed with this terrible attempt at a sexy monochromatic gown. An open neckline like that just doesn't work with a long sleeved dress and that black and white design on the front of it was not flattering at all. The amount of cleavage was just too over the top and looked tacky as well as the excess of chunky rings and bling. I was not a fan of this dress (if it could even be called that since the whole top half is missing) at all. 

This dress is definitely an improvement from the one we just looked at but it's all a bit too 80s for my liking. I think the neckline is perfect, showing just the right amount of cleavage and the slit at the bottom is really glamorous but everything else just doesn't work for me. The tie up at the waist looks cheap and tacky, the fact that the whole dress is covered in sequins is just over the top, the long sleeves are too much and the accessories barely match.

I can see where she tried to go with this dress as I love the silk and florals but I don't think something as casual as floral is appropriate for a red carpet. Not to mention it was all made very tacky very quickly with the showing of a bra, with dresses like this you obviously must go with a different option to your usual t-shirt bra so I think she missed the memo.

So those were my top three of the best and worst dressed from the 2014 Logie Awards! Let me know in a comment who is the absolute best and definite worst dressed from these six options.
Thank you for reading :)

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