
Monday, September 8, 2014


Skincare; an essential part of any woman's skincare routine and yet often underestimated. I talk so much about makeup and beauty here on Jordy's Beauty Spot and although I have delved into skincare numerous times, it's nowhere near the amount I discuss foundations and lipsticks. The truth is that without a good skincare routine in place it doesn't matter which foundation you use because the aspect that will make the biggest difference is keeping your skin healthy. That way the foundation that goes over the top has a nice base to work with. Skincare and makeup go hand in hand and that is why this week we will be celebrating "Skincare Week" where each day a new review of a skincare item will be ready for your viewing.
There's a lot on the cards for this week and I don't want to spoil much but get ready for an array of reviews featuring amazing skincare brands.

In preparation, get your shopping list ready and make room in your bathroom draws for some new products that you will be dying to get your hands on.
Thanks for reading ♥

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