
Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Have you ever dropped your favourite pressed powder? What about had an expensive cream eyeliner dry up on you? Well here's the 411 on how to fix any makeup dilemma with these DIY hacks. Most of these techniques take 30 seconds to a couple of a minutes with the benefit of extending your products life.

Broken Pressed Powders
If you have a shattered eyeshadow, foundation, blush or anything else then this is the easiest way to not have to part with the product. All you'll need is a bit of rubbing alcohol and your fingers. You just want to place some of the rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle and give the product a few squirts then pat the product together with your fingers. Leave to dry for 24 hours and presto, good as new. You can purchase rubbing alcohol for around $6 from Priceline, Supermarkets and other pharmacies. 
Olive oil is the weapon of choice for this makeup tragedy. When you spend $30-$50 on a luxury cream product or even if it's inexpensive but dried up before it's time then simply add a few drops of olive oil and watch the product come back to life. This is perfect for those pesky MAC Paint Pots that sometimes dry out or for cream blushes that aren't feeling as smooth as they should.
Lip Gloss
Can't seem to get product out of your lipgloss tube anymore? For this makeup hack you will be needing a cup of hot water and your products that is nearly all empty. Dip the tube into the water and it will melt the product around the sides, bringing it down to the bottom where it can be picked up by the wand for many more applications to come.

Mascara applies best when smooth so once you notice it becoming a bit clumpy over time, all you're going to need is some saline solution aka contact solution. Place a few drops in there, give it a shake and good as knew.

I hope you enjoyed these simple and easy makeup hacks to save some of your favourite products.

Thanks for reading!