
Tuesday, December 23, 2014



As I finish up my last day of work for the year, I fill you in on what's happening for the rest of 2014 and give a preview into what 2015 is looking like for Jordy's Beauty Spot.

I love doing these more personal posts and updating you lovely readers so I have been delighted to hear that you also enjoy these ever since I have been throwing these sorts of things in every now and again. So into the coffee catch up...

2014 drawing to a close
With only a week left this year and me taking that entire week off (if I can control myself to actually not blog for once), I wanted to let you know that there will still be new content on here up until the new year. I can't promise every single day but there will be at least four blog posts within this last week of 2014, mostly holiday themed for Christmas and New Years which is always fun.
Bringing in the new year
I can not contain my excitement over beginning the new year. On the cards are so many new, different and most importantly FUN things that I can't wait to share with you all. Even the first couple of weeks of 2015 are exciting on with some beautiful reviews on amazing new products. Also in store is the aim of getting a proper headquarters for rather than just a room and office in my house. Finding the perfect HQ for JBS this year is going to be hard work but extremely exciting and I can't wait to take you all along for the ride.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your support in 2014. This is me saying goodbye until the new year but not really since you have a few more pre-scheduled posts from me yet.
Keep up with me on social media, my favourites are Instagram (@JordyCannon), Twitter (@JordyCannon) and Facebook (Jordy Cannon). I also have one more video to go up on my YouTube channel so you can look out for that as well.
Thank you all so much again!!

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