
Friday, January 2, 2015


So you're scrolling through doing some online makeup shopping and you see those weird palettes of coloured concealer and think to yourself "what in the world are they for?" Especially with most brands having colour correction options, they are hard to avoid.

That was me up until a few years ago and I really don't blame myself, colour correction concealer can be hard to wrap your head around. That is why I am here with a quick and easy guide to teach you the basics of what the colours purpose is. Let's save the explanation about primers, foundation bases and powders to another day and focus on the simple facts of colour correction concealer wheels.

Mint- Green tones counteract redness to this is the perfect choice if you have red and irritated acne you would like to cover or even red skin in the case of rosacea.

Lilac- This purple based colour works to eliminate yellow undertones in the skin and create more of a neutral complexion.

Beige- This works as a colour base that you can mix with lilac, mint or yellow to make the colour correction more subtle. Alternatively, you can mix it with the white until you create your skin colour and use it as an everyday concealer.

Salmon- Pink toned concealers aim to cover purple on fair skin that's caused by veins in the under eye area.

Yellow- For those with Olive Skin, this is the best colour to cancel out undereye purples.

White- You can use the white in the middle to mix with any of the five colours otherwise it's also perfect for highlighting places on your face. Just be careful with this one or you might end up looking pale and unwell.

I hope you found this useful in understanding colour correction or perhaps giving you more ideas on how to use your concealer wheel.

Check out the video below where I talk about another colour correction concealer palette that I used to use, bare in mind the video is about 2 years old.

Thanks for reading!