
Tuesday, April 21, 2015



I was recently a guest speaker at Obsession 2015, a beauty and blogging conference where Brisbane girls got together to touch base with brands and talk about everything beauty and blogging. During my presentation, one of the questions I was asked was how I blog every day regarding staying motivated, finding the time amongst other commitments and building your blog up to the point of putting out content so regularly. I thought it was such a great question and definitely something I would have asked back in 2010 when I was trying to build my blog regarding content.

If you're a blogger then you know what I mean when I say that there are no real days off. We are always doing something for our blog be it taking photos, writing posts, scheduling posts or even just brainstorming ideas for future articles. It's a 24/7 job but definitely the most rewarding experience.

As I know a lot of you have your own blogs and since blogging is such as passion of mine, I would love to write more of these types of articles where I share tips and tricks that have worked for me that hopefully you can apply back to your blog.

Without further ado, here are my big tips for reaching the point of blogging every day.

Schedule ahead
In saying this, your schedule still needs to remain fluid and moveable so that you are able to work around brands tight marketing plans or be able to blog about something that happened over the weekend. This means having a selection of articles that aren’t time sensitive so that they can be moved around. This way if you do have an off day or week where you lose motivation to write or if you experience time constraints such as becoming extra busy at work, then you won’t be as stressed since you can fall back on your pre-scheduled posts.

Stay inspired
My biggest motivation comes from being inspired by things around me; conversations, magazines, the latest beauty releases and definitely all of you lovely readers who will write in asking questions or requesting I talk about certain topics. Continuing to remind yourself of the passion you have for makeup and beauty through everyday things is a great way to stay inspired, I find playing around with new makeup works best for me. I also like to make my desk fun and colourful adding cute stationary and surrounding myself with beautiful makeup products to inspire my writing. Sitting in a bland and boring room, staring at a blank page and mentally telling yourself “write, write, write” is definitely not going to do you any good. Otherwise, get out and write in a new location; an edgy coffee shop, quiet park or cool beach day will get the creativity flowing.

Be creative
It can be hard to come up with so much content. Not everyone has an extensive collection of makeup to refer to, especially when just starting out beauty blogging. My best advice is to find ways you can incorporate the same product numerous times by having a fresh new angle. An example of this is, let’s say, the Benefit Fake Up Concealer. You could do a full post reviewing the product, incorporate it into a ‘favourite concealers’ post, add it into a ‘moisturising concealers’ post and maybe even chuck it into an ‘Autumn essentials’ article.

While this has been the first of this kind of post I have done, I guarantee it won’t be the last. I would love your feedback to guide where I go with this series so feel free to email me at with any questions you may have about blogging and I will try my best to add more posts to the series and hopefully help you out with your blogging journey.

As always, thank you for reading!