
Monday, July 27, 2015


I always schedule ahead on my blog but this morning inspiration took over me to give today's regularly scheduled beauty post a boot and replace it with this fun chatty update to kick off the week.

I'm going to talk a little bit about my little puppy having his first birthday, starting back at Uni, some events I have been to lately (including my meet up and visiting the Maybelline offices), hot Pilates/Yoga and much more!

If you follow me on social media, especially Snapchat and Instagram (@JordyCannon), then you are probably more in the loop than those of you who don't which is why I wanted to update those of you who just strictly read my blog.

Goodbye Brisbane, Hello Sydney and Melbourne
I was in Sydney guest speaking at Glamour Affair with BOE Beauty then straight after that I jetted off to Melbourne for a big YouTube meet up with myself and some other amazing talented individuals. While I was there I managed to squeeze in a heap of meetings since I hardly find myself in Melbourne, even managing to stop by the Maybelline offices for some champagne, donuts and new releases. Below is a follow me around from my day of meetings and the following day was the crazy meet up where I met so many readers and subscribers.

Puffin turns 1
My little shoodle puppy turned into a big boy when his first birthday rolled around earlier this month. He was spoiled with treats and new toys, I went a little crazy at the pet store but after all it was his birthday. The next date we will celebrate is a year since I got him and that is coming up in a month and a bit. Below the pic on the left is the first day I took him home and the pic of the right is a recent shot of my big boy. They grow up so fast!

University starts back
After all the jet setting and celebrating, it is now back to reality with my head in books for the next few months now that Uni is back on. I am extremely excited about this semester though because after doing better than I expected last semester, I'm ready to get some great results again this semester. Especially now that I have taken on a lot more business subjects since finishing the majority of the journalism part of my course. Subjects like "entrepreneurship and innovation" as well as "organisational behaviour" are so far proving to be very interesting.
Don't be concerned though, there will definitely still be new content up every day as per usual and although I am busier than ever now juggling full time Uni and full time blogging, I've never been happier and had them more balanced.
Hot Yoga and Power Pilates
As I write this I am about to head off to my first Hot Power Pilates class and have a Hot Alignment Yoga class booked in for later this week as well. It is something I have always wanted to try so I pushed myself to book the classes and just go for it. I realised we are half way through the year already and it's time to start crossing things off the annual goals list. I can see myself going to a couple of classes a week and on the days I don't go I can do some yoga by myself since I recently bought a WiiU and the WiiFit programme to go with it.

So that is what I have been up to! Other than that I have been cooking away in the kitchen for recipes that go up on Jordy's Fitness, sitting in front of the lights and camera for videos on Jordy's Beauty Spot and of course blogging everyday for your lovely people.
I hope to do updates such as this more regularly, it has been way too long ago since I did one of these and I never want to leave it like that again.
Thanks for reading!