
Monday, September 7, 2015



Wow what a crazy week it has been - I feel like I haven't stopped. I'm writing this on Friday but you will be reading this Monday and I want to recap you on some things that have been going on.

Before we begin, I've started calling these little life updates "behind the desk". It just sort of popped into my head and I have stuck with it.

Read on for all about my fitness journey, car fiasco's and the details on my US holiday coming up.

The first thing I want to talk about it getting fit - I have been doing really well with eating healthy and exercising so I want to pat myself on the back for that. I'm always so busy and it's easy to make excuses when that is the case but I decided enough is enough and if I don't start now then when am I going to start leading the super healthy lifestyle that I want?! For at least the past month now I have been practicing Yoga/Pilates and eating extremely clean (even eliminating some bread and of course all animal products). I have also been taking a handful of vitamins everyday and mixing together the weirdest smoothies (seriously spirulina is disgusting). It has been worth it though because I have so much energy and feel on top of my game. I can never give up my coffee though...Nespresso is my life #helpme.
I also wanted to briefly mention a beautiful event I attended which was the Wintergarden X The Lust List launch. Held on the pool deck of the Hilton Hotel, as the sun was setting we chatted next to champagne and cheese platters. The whole set up was absolutely beautiful, adorned with fresh flowers, beautiful artwork and incredible pieces from the Wintergarden center. It was amazing to watch the sun set over Brisbane city, with such an incredible view as you can see in the above photo.

Next has been my car. If you follow me on Snapchat (@JordyCannon) then you would know my escapades of waiting for my car to be serviced and I spent two whole days this week with it being worked on. Yes I did just recently get new wheels and an alignment but turns out the brake pads (AGAIN) and some other things needing doing also. I swear you would think I drive an old bomb or something but for a 2014 car it is really letting me down. It's not just usual maintenance either because even the mechanics are joking saying they will have to invite me to the next staff party and that I'm their most loyal customer lol. I will surprise myself if I don't come home from the US with a new Mercedes (do you guys know how much cheaper they are over there...and we think the mark up on makeup is bad).

That brings me to an update on my holiday; passports have arrived, visas are a go, flights are booked and that leaves all the fun stuff like buying tickets to Disneyland and Universal Studios. I am so excited to be having a little holiday, well I'll be gone for 2 weeks so I guess it's a pretty decent getaway. Although there will be a little bit of work mixed in like meetings and such, absolutely everything will be so much fun. I am excited to document the experience on here and also on my social media. I might even vlog while I'm there if I am feeling game enough. Why is the US dollar so bad at the moment though, absolutely terrible. It works out that we are nearly paying double for everything because the conversion rate is atrocious but hey it's just money and experiences are all that really matter.

As for on here - I have some really fun and exciting things coming up on that I am working on and that I think you will all really enjoy. Something a little bit different and a great change of pace and you will be finding out very soon.

I have been loving these little life updates and you all seem to as well because they have become my most popular posts. It means so much to me that I can share my life on here and that you actually care what I have to say other than just makeup. Ah you guys are the best, I love you!

Thanks for reading!

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