So it's been a month since you caught up with my in my last Behind The Desk and it has been such a busy September, I wanted to fill you in on what I've been up to this Spring season so far.
To start out with, one of the most exciting parts of the month was turning my hair a shade of lavender! It lasted a few weeks and was a good change of pace. You can read the entire article about this experience here. I also got a pretty good chop to get rid of any dead ends and have a more blunt look to my hair which I am loving.
Uni is in full swing and I have been hit with a never ending wave of assignments which is keeping me busy but is also very fulfilling at the same time. There will be an article going up soon on my experience with Uni generally, as I come to the end of my Masters which will be going on 7 years at Uni. So keep an eye out for that one if you are on the fence about going to Uni or just interested in my experience.
Earlier this month I went backstage at Mercedes Benz Fashion Festival with Schwarzkopf, sussing out all the makeup and hair trends from the runway before viewing all the gorgeous Australian fashion. You can see so many pics from the night here and read my experience at the festival here. This month we also had 'RUOK? Day' which I think is an extremely important topic that should be highlighted more often. So I wanted to mention it in here also as a reminder to look after those around you so that they don't feel alone as life can sometimes become difficult, especially in out society obsessed with perfectionism.
This weekend just gone I spent a day at the beach and it seriously made me so happy - I know I love the beach but I forgot just how happy I am whenever I'm swimming in the ocean or laying on the sand. I will definitely be soaking up the warm weather for many weekends to come.
I've also been ramping up the health and fitness - you can follow my journey through my recent blog posts this month;
Eating Healthy With A Busy Social Life
What I Eat In A Day
My Favourite Workouts
Tips - Getting A Good Night's Sleep
That's all from me! What's been happening with you?
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