
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Great Reasons To Get Outdoors This Spring



Photo by Hrvoje Abraham Milićević:

During the winter, most of us don't leave the house much. There are many things to do outside in the 

winter, like skiing, winter sports, and boarding, but most people don't do these things every day. But when 

spring comes, you can spend more time outside whenever you want. Read on to find out why you should 

spend springtime outside and what fun things you can do while you're there.

Look At The Natural World Around You 

Okay, you've spent enough time inside with your family this winter. How many hours of computer games 

and Netflix can a family take? But that's why you should spend time together outside. As the tulips burst 

from the ground with new life and color, you and your kids will burst with energy and excitement when 


spend time outside together.

Spring is one of the best times to see how beautiful nature changes. The tree outside your window will 

have tiny buds one day, and the next day it will be full of flowers. If you don't go outside in the spring, 

you won't see the miracle of renewal and new life.

Clean Air

When you work out outside, your body gets a lot of fresh air and oxygen, which is good for it. Your heart 

and lungs also get a great workout, which gives you the drive and energy to get everything done that you 

want to that day. This is just one of the many benefits people have gotten from spending a lot of time 


Take Advantage Of Vitamin D

Most people have trouble getting enough vitamin D in the winter when it is darker outside. Step outside 

on sunny spring days to get more vitamin D. This will help your body make strong bones and cells, 

reduce inflammation, and do other things.

Improve Your Immune System

Spending time outside, especially in nature, can actually make your immune system stronger. Living 

outside has been shown to make you less likely to get sick or catch an infection. In fact, some doctors 

think that being outside makes the body more resistant to sickness. This could explain why people who 

spend a lot of time outside are less likely to get sick. Lastly, exercising outside makes it easier for your 

body to deal with stress, which is good for your overall health. All of these good things for your health are 

great reasons to go outside and enjoy nature.

Improve Your Health 

If you spend more time outside, you'll be more likely to move, move, move. Exercise is good for your 

health, and outdoor activities are a natural way to get it.  Everything from swingball to a picnic in the park 

is good for your health.

Reducing Stress

Spending time outside has been shown to make people feel less stressed. One study found that 

spending time in the woods led to slower heart rates, lower blood pressure, and more activity in the

parasympathetic nerves. Also, being outside will almost certainly get you moving, which is great for 

relieving stress.

So, what should you do outside in the spring to get all of these amazing benefits?

Outdoor Fun In The Spring

Taking a hike: Set a goal for yourself to go higher or farther this year than you did last year.

Skiing: Ski resorts in the early spring are likely to still have snow, so don't put away your skis or 

snowboard just yet. Before the snow melts, go for a few runs. Plus, you might be able to find deals 

on hotels during the spring.

Try stand-up paddleboarding for a fun time. Go to a zoo, a theme park, or a county fair: Use a 

pedometer app or a smartwatch to keep track of your steps, and don't leave the zoo or adventure 

park until you've taken 10,000. Never before has working out been so much fun!

  • Garden

  • Ride your bike.

  • Get the whole family together to play soccer, softball, volleyball, tennis, or any other sport.

  • Have a picnic in a park or the woods.

  • Take a jog.

  • Visit a farm.

  • Kite-flying

  • Golf

  • When it rains in the spring, dance.

  • Check out the beach

  • Get your warmest thermal socks and take a trip to a campsite.

  • Take a ride on a horse.

  • Take a scooter or kayak tour. Most cities have fun tours that get you moving.

These are all great activities to try during the spring, do you have any others to add? Please share 

them in the comments below.

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